The Producers would like to THANK
The Town of St. Marys Ontario Canada
Alex & Denise Gibson
Jean Stevenson
Chris & Candace King
Steve & Meg McKay
St. Marys Fire Department
Chief Andy Anderson
Brian & Adrienne Sewell
Quadro Communications
St. Marys Building Center
Sam's Home Hardware
Reid Dundas
Tristan Dundas
Nancy Simmonds
St James Large # 73
Bob Sass
Steve Hearn
HPHH Stratford Hospital
Stratford Police Services
Township of Perth South
Shackleton Real Estate & Auction
McLean Taylor
Owen Lewis Construction
Everclean Inc.
Mike Payne
Dave & Cindy Lang
Jane Bedford
Al-Equip Repair & Services
Stephanie Martin
Francesco Sabatini
Central School Manor
Rob Smink
Arthur Meighen/St. Marys DCVI
Greg Hunter
Renee Hornick
Dwight Bennett
Delmar Foods
Ed Lamers
Kathy Pethic
Jim Knott
Johnson Sanitation
John Bullen